Krypton capital Involved In Cybercrimes

Cybercrime is a sugarcoated name for tens or hundreds of crimes done online or with the aid of the modern technology.  It’s a speedily growing criminal act that has hit the news headlines over the last few years.  Cybercrimes deprive people of their finances, happiness, sleep, and even lives.  They are performed by tech-savvy experts who how to attack your computer system to disrupt or even steep your data. They often do so using malware. The ever growing technology has led to an increase in cybercrimes.

Who is Krypton Capital?

Krypton Capital is a Ukrainian venture firm that deals with cryptocurrency and blockchain.  It was founded back in 2007 by Ilan Tzorya. It has businesses in a variety of industries including but not limited to crypto and blockchain companies, software development, media, and financial services.

Involvement In Cybercrime

Operated and owned by Ilan Tzorya the owner of Krypton Capital, BINEX has been involved in lots of crimes. It was closed down due to involvement in scams and online crimes. It was said that BINEX runs illegal activities that were subject to police investigations.  As per the available information, used to operate under the Tradologic software and run all payments using the Milena Kabadzhova.  It firstly focused customers in Ukraine and Russia where their main offices were based.  However, based on some insight information, its central offices were in Moscow and in Kiev.

Krypton capital

In August last year, cyberpolice raided the BINEX offices based in Kiev. After the raid, the estimated 60 employees working on those offices are believed to have worked in the acquiring of not less than 15,000 customers from countries like Russia and Ukraine using the different BINEX platforms.  So far, the Ukrainian Cyberpolice and police from other world countries are actively in search of the evil actors behind the BINEX network.   Tons of the affected customers and concerned parties have reached out to the Ukrainian police to provide some of the information they have that could aid in identifying the criminals. It’s no doubt that the Bulgarian-Russian-Ukrainian BINEX is a small section of the large cybercrime network involved around the Scam Group from Romania Sofia and his accomplices Michael Golod and Eli Musli.


So far, it is not wise to conclude that Krypton capital is fully involved in the crimes associated with BINEX. However, the fact that both companies are owned and run by the same person Ilan Tzorya has left the concerned parties in endless questions.  The Ilan TZORYA running BINEX may be different from the one running Krypton ventures the reason we cannot easily jump into conclusions. But the good news is that investigations are underway and there are chances that with time, we will know whether Krypton ventures is actually involved in the crimes or not


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