video production Philadelphia

The Trends in Video Production Industry

The media industry is changing and changing fast. The purchase price of production equipment has fallen sharply over the past 10 years. There was a time when the cost of entering the industry forbade competing without experience and talent. Now, with the least equipment costs, it is available to anyone who hangs a sign and calls himself a video producer.

The traditional delivery of video content includes television, DVD, Blu-ray, video tape, etc.

The delivery of television content is reduced. The same applies to the physical delivery of media such as DVD, Blu-ray, and video tapes. Although the enterprise video industry will continue to use these delivery platforms for several years, they are certainly in decline. There was a time when quality was the only reason for providing a physical copy of the program. As we have seen in recent years, the increase in Internet connection speed and compression methods has made physical media almost completely obsolete.

With the decline in television advertising, companies are increasingly turning to online video content to distribute their messages. Marketing professionals recognize from experience that a deeper connection between the consumer and the product / service can be achieved through video, as it tells the story in the most efficient and effective way. It has become a world on demand in which attention is shorter than ever. The drawback of this change (for some) is that the budgets for producing such media are much lower than for traditional television advertising. The days of multimillion-dollar advertising are probably numbered.

video production Philadelphia

To think about the future video, you should not look beyond the limits of today’s university students. Of course, they are customers of our near future. According to recent polls, on a typical day, 57% of adult Internet users download and watch videos, compared with 93% of university students. Most of the content viewed is entertaining or educational. What cannot be ignored is the fact that this young market is used to distributing and watching videos online. The desire to communicate on the Internet will increase as these people enter the workforce, and this will increase the demand for online video content. There is no denying that online video is popular. Video production generates a much higher level of engagement and communication with customers than traditional campaigns, because video has the power to interact with its inherent entertainment value.


The most recent way to deliver video (and most other content) is to use mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. On the bus, alone in the subway, at home, in the office, and even along the street, everyone is looking at some device. While general production methods will not change with this change in delivery, the creative development of the content and the distribution of this content will change. There is an opportunity to educate customers how to develop and disseminate using these new technologies.

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