Five Steps on How to Find a Coin Shop

You have found a coin on the ground as you were walking around. You pick it up and examine it wondering what kind of value it has. But you get the feeling that this coin has a certain tingle to it, it could a collector’s that accidentally fell off. It would be too hard to track them down so you decide to go online and type in Google “coin shop”.

But how exactly do you figure out what kind of coin shop you should go to? Here are some pointers and tips.

First, research and then heading to the store is most wise. Have a look online, ask around, read the comments and forums. With enough information, go to that well-established reputable business place. They are sure to be familiar with the current conditions of the market, allowing you to save more money. But still, stay on the safe side. Although they may seem legitimate, it is not impossible that they could still rip you off.

Second, make phone calls. Ask those around you if they can recommend some shops that they know. And if you ever decide to call a shop beforehand, they could offer you a price without even eyeing it personally. Best not to trust them. Their newbie senses are tingling and they know you are unfamiliar with the worth of your coin.

Third, better ask for help from a coin appraiser first. One who is objective, knowledgable and reliable. Best if the appraiser is not interested in buying from you. Shops can manipulate you into thinking that this certain coin is worth less than its true value. If your purpose is to invest, it would be wise to get advice that is meaningful and accurate first.

Start Collecting Rare Coins

Fourth, if you find a coin shop is over-enthusiastic to buy your valued coin, be wary. They tend to smooth talk their way to let you sell it to them—or worse, simply get it from you. They might say that they will find an appraiser before giving you the money but they could run away with it. Be cautious! Never accept that kind of offer.

Fifth, do not seek a shop when you really need one. Your judgment could be clouded. This is then the perfect opportunity for coin shops to take advantage of your situation. It is best to find dealers when money is not a problem. Selling them when your need is not too urgent can give you better leverage. Remember, those who are at a more desperate stage are easy targets and can be played with.

With all these in mind, you think you are ready to start looking for a shop. Of course, you would rather look for coin shop nearby. You do not want to leave your comfort zone but at the same time, you want to make sure that the coin is in good hands. So you go back to Google and become more specific with the search. You then type in “coin shop near me” and your mind immediately says “go right here” when you see U.S. Coins and Jewelry.

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