Landlords who use property managers should be aware of the types of services offered and the fees charged. Some property managers will charge a larger monthly fee, but include a wider range of services, while others will have a lower monthly fee but additional charges for certain items. A property management company will assist proprietors to handle their rental property for a charge. Fees will differ depend on a variety of attributes, for instance property-kind and services offered. Here is a study of the fees a property manager may take hold of. The facilities that the property management company gives play a huge role in how much they charge. If you are only hiring a property manager to gather rent, you will pay much less than someone who needs a manager to gather rent, fill vacancies, take care of the repairs, manage tenant expulsions and hold financial records for your taxes. Specific fees which may be charged are listed below.
In the case of any disputes, all property managers must now belong to an approved government redress scheme –
Rent collection fees
Property managers collect rent for the landlord. Some charge a percentage of the rent due, others will charge a percentage of the rent actually collected. The latter is more advantageous for landlords and an incentive for property managers to pursue rent collection diligently.
Finding fees
Landlords will wish to ensure any void periods are minimised. Finding tenants is a vital part of a property manager’s role, with advertising and setting up tenancy agreements usually included in property management fees. The finding fee can be anything from a fixed fee, to a month’s rent or an ongoing percentage of the monthly rent.
Landlords should always ensure that an inventory and condition report is attached to the tenancy agreement to avoid any dispute over how the property should be handed back at the end of the tenancy. An inventory clerk can provide an effective professional service. It is well worth a landlord paying for a inventory and condition report to be prepared. For further details of how an inventory clerk can help, click here
Fees to renew tenancies
It is common for landlords to be charged a renewal fee, even when the terms of the tenancy remain very similar.
Maintenance charges
Property managers give landlords essential peace of mind by managing the need for any repairs or maintenance to the property. However, such costs can soon mount up. Landlords should check whether their property manager will seek their consent first for any substantial expenditure, and how many quotes the manager will get before going ahead with work.
Maintenance fees are basically added as part of the monthly management fee. This could comprise of holding common places clean, taking out dirt’s and grimes and snow and leaf removal. If a particular repair must be done, the price of the repair will be deducted from the stock repair fund.
Eviction fees
Unfortunately from time to time landlords will need to evict tenants. There are legal and court fees involved. Property managers may charge additional fees for dealing with evictions, so landlords should always check what these are and whether they are included in any package.
If you destroy the property management contract untimely, you will frequently have to pay an advance termination fee. This fee will differ hugely depend on the terms of the contract. You may only be accountable for paying one month of added management fees or you could be taken to court for breach of trust.