The Hongkong Storage company is a known company for document storage. A typical question from their clients is that where do they store document? In storing files and other document, the most important material needed is the document box. These items are needed in keeping important files in place and safe. Also some companies use these boxes to organize their workspace and thus keeping a functional environment.
A Not So Typical Box
These types of boxes are not your typical box. It is made and constructed for document storage and with that comes special features that are not found in your typical box. A perfect example of this is the Hong Kong Storage company’s document box. This box has a double walled corrugated cardboard which makes it more durable and harder than the typical box found in stores, don’t require tapes for closing and foldable.
These boxes are different in sizes and shape depending on the types of document that will be stored. The Hong Kong Storage box has 2 types of boxes to offer, these are namely the R Box and The CR Box.
The R Box
The R box is mainly used for 2.5-inch Binders, B4/Folders, and A4 Paper/Folders. Its size is 15 inches in length, 12 inches in width and 13 inches in height. The box is foldable and tape free, has a sealing label for enhanced security and a bar code inventory system for precise record allocation.
The CR Box
The CR box is typically used for A3 and A4 papers. Its size is 17.5 inches in length, 13.5 inches in width, and 10.5 inches in height. The box is tape free and can be folded, a sealing label for security and uses a bar code for a more precise management of inventory and records.
How to Use:
- Sort out the documents and identify the size to know which box will be use to store the important documents.
- Put the documents in the boxes and indicate the Year, Department and The Criteria.
- Mark it by writing on the box the number.
- Use the seal that was provided use by Hong Kong Storage
- Contact the customer service hotline to pickup the box.
- The application of the labels will be done by the Hong Kong storage company and also input the details of the box into the system.
- If for instance the box needs to be retrieve, contact the customer hotline and process the request of the customer or client.
In conclusion, the use of these Storage boxes is important for keeping documents safe and organize. It is used by companies to make it easy and functional for them in finding the right document that was stored.