Are you seeking for storage tanks? Whether you are looking for fire suppression tanks for your business in order to meet fire code consent or you are a fire department that needs portable water storage for rural firefighting, there are water storage tanks to meet your needs.There are a variety of water storage tanks for the purpose of fire suppression.
Whenever the demand for fire water exceeds the available municipal water supply, During an emergency fire water storage tanks are critical.
. The Corrugated steel tanks are popular in commercial, industrial and medical settings for a newly construction, fire suppression sprinklers or a backup water supply for firefighters from the tank’s hydrant outlet.
Features of fire tanks:
- Economical fire tanks for fire protection are made from the materials that are durable and lasts long.
- Overflow Pipes
Corrugated Fire Protection Tanks
The corrugated steel fire tanks mostly offer a dependable fire protection for commercial, industrial, agricultural, and rural firefighting. When the demand for water exceeds the area water supply, firefighters can take advantage of the bulk water storage.
where ever adequate water supply is unavailable Corrugated steel tanks provide a solution. During an emergency these corrugated water storage tanks can connect to a fire hydrant outlet that allows resupply of water.
- Space Efficient
- Corrosion Resistant
- Wide Range of Uses
Water Tanks for Agricultural Applications
Agricultural industry, uses include water storage, biogas extraction, fuel containment, hazardous material containment, and fire suppression (such as barn fires, brush fires, and livestock hazards).
For your agricultural or fire suppression needs, corrugated tanks offer a bulk water storage.
For rainwater storage these field erected water storage tanks are made from a galvanized or a material called Zincalume and are commonly used.
For a variety of other tasks including potable and non-potable water storage, black water and gray water containment, oil storage or containment, aquaponics, grain storage, gas extraction, as well as irrigation management they can also be outfitted.
There will be a standpipe placed on the interior of the tank to maintain a standard, operational volume of water for the purpose of fire suppression, with additional volume that is available for domestic or industrial uses, when it is optimized for dual use water storage.
There is always a reservoir available for firefighting to protect the livestock and farm from barn or brush fires.
Corrugated steel tanks are UV resistant, impact resistant and can be lined up with a selection of materials, so as to appeal to other agricultural needs
Water Tanks for construction
Fire suppression systems are the crucial part of construction because they protect both life and property. Fire protection engineers have a better understanding that construction projects need to incorporate efficient, cost-effective fire suppression systems that include adequate on-site water storage.
Fire water tanks can supply water to sprinkler systems or firefighters can attach a fire hose to the tank’s outlet to suppress the fire during an emergency.
Whether you are in industrial, residential or commercial construction, firefighting water storage needs can be utilized.