Full Control over Fraud Prevention

Full Control over Fraud Prevention

The Ipsidy Management Platform grants complete control to you, the customer. You can utilize the administrative control features toward creating internal users, display transactions of internal salespersons, track customer transactions they service, plus drill down to the end-consumer transaction level. The Ipsidy Management Platform has strong security tools, product control, reporting as well as an…

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Biometric Authentication and its types

Biometric authentication refers to authentication provided by recognition of any part of the body through scanning systems and then providing access to users on certain computers, mobiles or other devices. This may be in the form of voice recognition, face recognition, fingerprint recognition, iris recognition and so on. Nowadays, biometric authentication has become very popular….

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Guide to start a Ltd company

This ltd. company guide can guide you through the steps of getting yourself registered for a ltd. company. Ltd., or Limited, is a suffix added the name of a registered company. This indicates it is a private limited company. British, Irish and some Commonwealth countries’ laws incorporate this pattern in their systems. it is an…

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